All American Wiki


Season 1[]

Spencer and Olivia first met in science class, Spencer's first day at Beverly Hills High School. The two hit it off immediately and instantly connected. Olivia developed a crush on him, and he seemed to like her as well. They tried to pursue their feelings when they were dared to skinny dip in a hot tub but was stopped by Jordan. He had a hunch that Spencer might be their brother. When Spencer talked her the next night, she brushed him off saying it was just a dare. Which led him to believe that she didn't actually like him. The day of the Homecoming dance, he stared in awe of her walking down the stairs. At the dance, Chris mentioned to Spencer that he knew Olivia still liked him and he wasn't very convinced that it was true. Later, at the park clean up Spencer and Kia arranged, Olivia approached him and said that she's sorry about being distant lately, and just misses her friend. He agreed. The day of Olivia's one-year sobriety mark, she was struggling after finding pills in her room. Noticing she wasn't in class, he left her messages and found her in her car outside, expressing concern.

Season Two[]

After finding out about their parents' affair, Spencer moved out of the Bakers to give Laura space and not be a constant reminder of what happened. At school, Olivia asked when he is moving back to their house, he replies that he's not which disappointed her. That night, Laura went to his house and welcomed him back with open arms. Olivia ran to hug him and glad he came back home. The next morning, she noticed he was acting a little off knowing he wasn't ok. He confided in her about his dad wanting him to come play for him at South Crenshaw in the fall. She was honest, saying that she didn't want him to leave. Later, while at work he was telling her about how Jordan is using his dad's guilt against him. She stated that was another reason him picking Crenshaw, which he not exactly with them either. At their parents' twenty-five-year high school reunion, he confided in her about his fight with Layla and how she is showing signs of depression. Later that day, they went to find Layla at the hotel room she was staying at.
